Sunday, November 1, 2009

the end?..

i thought you were a good friend, i was wrong.
i thought things could be mended, i was wrong.
i thought you were someone special. caring, i was wrong.
i thought we were more than this, but you're just cold.
there is no point to what friendship we have ever shared, so what is the point
of me holding onto something which has already been let go of?
this isnt something for you to read, if u want me out of you life, why would u ?
you dont need to pay attention, you obviously dont need me.
u didnt just lose or "forget" about me. you didnt just forget the feelings,
you forgot. me. my personality, my comfort, my presence.
i have others to which i can turn to, but they are not you.
there is so much more to say to you but you wouldnt understand nor care about what i have to say, people call me blinded but you are pretty blind yourself, arrogant and selfish at time by only thinking about your feelings or actions and not of what they cause to others. time has gone, this is now the end. hopefully not. but im not a come-and-go person. goodbye. now you are happy and im left, on my way to hopeful happiness without you in my life no more.

1 comment:

  1. how could i forget about you so fast .... i guess its kinda good that you didnt show it . it would of make eachorther more hurt and feeling bad .but in a way it made me unimporatant like i was just another person walking out on you . which brings me back to saturday im sorry but i couldnt talk to you or look at you because of all the things that have happend plus you were with your boyfriend hes all you need so saturday was my fault for not approuching you sorry budyy . maybe nextime we shall hi to eachorther just maybe . bye for now.
