Tuesday, January 5, 2010

high on crack crack crackk BABYYY

Laugh when you can,
Apoligize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.
Kiss slowwwwly,
Play hard,
Forgive quickly,
Take chances,
Give everything,
And have no regrets.
Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Today my friend told me that now is a new year, twenty1O' which mean new begginings to old endings, he was right :3
FORGET ABOUT THE PAST && welcome the future,
happiness : D is a wonderful feeling. the end.

nahh being happiness unites people together in harmony, in joy, with exitement. its just how they say,"when you smile, the whole world smiles with you, wen you laugh, the whole world laughs with you" :)

who gives a shit about anything these days, not i, ? wait thats a lie,
i do
but u dont :D exactly, we all need to stop worrying and dwelling in sorrows because there is so much more to life ! so be happy, and look forward to a new day, meet new people, make new friends, and forget about those who hav hurt chu ^_^

"wat i did today": msn (: the end, something not worth knowingg, *looks to steve

DJ STEVEEE MADDDAWGG : ahah you hav taught me much, ( not really) but the reason im mentioning you is because u hav "taught" me to become a better and stronger person, and that i should forget about those who are not worth my happiness :D
ohhhhhhh and " he is da sexiii boii ;) "
and girls, he is single !.. i think :3 wait my bad, boys* he is single,
teheeeeee ^^


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