Wednesday, February 10, 2010

old, but new.

hahaha okay so the following blog, i know , its been ages ;D is something i found in maths yesterday, i was going on my graphics caculator coz my teacher is lame, and i came across a old notee i had saved on it from yr 10, i forgot i had written it, its from about 5-8 months ago i dont remember, but ye it was about someone but then again it wasnt?, IDK its about stuff i felt i guess. i found it and thought i would share it seeing as its useless on my caculator LOOOL , word for word btw^^ :

♥d&_; everyday i think about you,
your always on my mind.. i wish you were here, with me,
every moment is precious and you are worth everything to me,
you mean the world to me, you make make me happy with your smile
and with your presence, feels like im addicted to you, i cant let you go,
and i dont plan to, and i know that i love you, with all my heart.
it belongs to you now so dont let it fall apart, treasure it like how i treasuer
the times that i spend with you. i love you.
i love the way you hold me.
i love the way you kiss me.
i love the way you hug me.
i simply love you.
if i ever lost you i would lose a piece of me..
but one day all i will ever be to you is a memory.. [_♥]

THE END. :] take care bubs! xo.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

high on crack crack crackk BABYYY

Laugh when you can,
Apoligize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.
Kiss slowwwwly,
Play hard,
Forgive quickly,
Take chances,
Give everything,
And have no regrets.
Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Today my friend told me that now is a new year, twenty1O' which mean new begginings to old endings, he was right :3
FORGET ABOUT THE PAST && welcome the future,
happiness : D is a wonderful feeling. the end.

nahh being happiness unites people together in harmony, in joy, with exitement. its just how they say,"when you smile, the whole world smiles with you, wen you laugh, the whole world laughs with you" :)

who gives a shit about anything these days, not i, ? wait thats a lie,
i do
but u dont :D exactly, we all need to stop worrying and dwelling in sorrows because there is so much more to life ! so be happy, and look forward to a new day, meet new people, make new friends, and forget about those who hav hurt chu ^_^

"wat i did today": msn (: the end, something not worth knowingg, *looks to steve

DJ STEVEEE MADDDAWGG : ahah you hav taught me much, ( not really) but the reason im mentioning you is because u hav "taught" me to become a better and stronger person, and that i should forget about those who are not worth my happiness :D
ohhhhhhh and " he is da sexiii boii ;) "
and girls, he is single !.. i think :3 wait my bad, boys* he is single,
teheeeeee ^^


Sunday, December 6, 2009

lying.. ?

i hate it how people can lie straight to my face, i hate it how people can be so mean so someone then the next second act like their best friend. i hate it when people lie straight to my face, and act as if they did nothing wrong.

there is some people who lie to me over and over and think im stupid and believe their lies,
news. i dont. why is there the need to lie ? little lies are fine, bigger ones are not.
when this person lied to me, i was cut, not because it was the lie itself, but because of what they did. they didnt only lie to me, but to the others around em. and now im left confused and holding onto something that cannot be held onto. im not the deepest blogger, or talk as if i know alot in life, i dont, this is where i come to express my feeling wen i cant say them aloud.

all i wish for is for you to be honest with me, all i wish for is to be happy, all i wish for is for you to give your heart, its all that i ask for, nothing more, nothing less. if you cannot do that then what is the point to what we have? there is no point. if two people dont feel the same way about each other. at some point they do then someone gets in the way and thats just reality.

i have felt so much pain and now its time to let go, i have shared happiness and laughter sadness and heartache, jealously and joy. but now it has finally come to an end because there is nothing left, or it is barely hanging by a thread. sometimes things dont turn out the way we plan. sometimes for for the better and sometimes for the worse and right now i dont know what i want but i know it cant get any worse, i have been through alot and so has alot of you's. and we can only make one another stronger, allthough its hard its going to all heal & get better,

take careee sexys && yes i know i sed earlier today i was oh hatius but no other sites are working atm so so i am writing this. <3>

Saturday, December 5, 2009


&& still am;D

ciaoo xxo_

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

from a loved one<3

what my biffle sent to me. it touched a spot in my heart and now it cant go away:) you cheered me up in my dark days, we share laughter, we share hate, we share love, we share pain, but in the end its no doubt. you are the gain that has entered into my life:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

here i am, once again with that text aha, cindy cindy how hard will this pain be
the pain we do not want to endure because its happiness that we seek, be strong for the outcome, be strong for this next tear, be open minded so this pain you do not fear. hardship and mateship is how we pull through, as a close friend by your side il always be here for you. goodnight cindy tranter my only double G. from your only zappo il give you an i love you. x

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


nobody likes to be confused, yet we are all confused at some point.
some more than others however it is a feeling, mood, that we cannot help but feel even though we try to fight it. when we are confused it can hurt even more than being sad or angry, why? because we do not know the outcome we do not know what to think or how to feel we do not know what is the things running through our minds and we certainly do not know what to do or even what to say,
someone can be so confused that it tears them up inside because they are affraid of making important decsions, decsions which cannot be taken back.
the point here is that confusion is something i do not like exepriencing and yet right now i am so uterly confused >=[

Sunday, November 1, 2009

the end?..

i thought you were a good friend, i was wrong.
i thought things could be mended, i was wrong.
i thought you were someone special. caring, i was wrong.
i thought we were more than this, but you're just cold.
there is no point to what friendship we have ever shared, so what is the point
of me holding onto something which has already been let go of?
this isnt something for you to read, if u want me out of you life, why would u ?
you dont need to pay attention, you obviously dont need me.
u didnt just lose or "forget" about me. you didnt just forget the feelings,
you forgot. me. my personality, my comfort, my presence.
i have others to which i can turn to, but they are not you.
there is so much more to say to you but you wouldnt understand nor care about what i have to say, people call me blinded but you are pretty blind yourself, arrogant and selfish at time by only thinking about your feelings or actions and not of what they cause to others. time has gone, this is now the end. hopefully not. but im not a come-and-go person. goodbye. now you are happy and im left, on my way to hopeful happiness without you in my life no more.