Wednesday, February 10, 2010

old, but new.

hahaha okay so the following blog, i know , its been ages ;D is something i found in maths yesterday, i was going on my graphics caculator coz my teacher is lame, and i came across a old notee i had saved on it from yr 10, i forgot i had written it, its from about 5-8 months ago i dont remember, but ye it was about someone but then again it wasnt?, IDK its about stuff i felt i guess. i found it and thought i would share it seeing as its useless on my caculator LOOOL , word for word btw^^ :

♥d&_; everyday i think about you,
your always on my mind.. i wish you were here, with me,
every moment is precious and you are worth everything to me,
you mean the world to me, you make make me happy with your smile
and with your presence, feels like im addicted to you, i cant let you go,
and i dont plan to, and i know that i love you, with all my heart.
it belongs to you now so dont let it fall apart, treasure it like how i treasuer
the times that i spend with you. i love you.
i love the way you hold me.
i love the way you kiss me.
i love the way you hug me.
i simply love you.
if i ever lost you i would lose a piece of me..
but one day all i will ever be to you is a memory.. [_♥]

THE END. :] take care bubs! xo.